Rings: Art | Photography | Travel | Politics & Social Sciences

Do you know what a Webring is? Webrings unite different sites on a related topic. Rather than browsing through the results of a search on one of the major search engines, you can just follow the navigation from one site to the other. Easy and fun.
Here are some rings on politics, social sciences news and international relations.
Most of the rings are managed by the same people who run Global Affairs at MSN and Yahoo, some only by myself:

Global Affairs
Websites on world politics, ecology and economics.

Global Understanding - pages which help to understand the different cultures of the world.
Photographs, poetry, travel reports...
ANTI-Ignorance - A ring for sites committed to fighting hate through knowledge.
Politics on the Web - Webring for 'professional' political sites - political party, candidate and respresentative homepages; political web resources; online political news etc. High quality personal pages may be considered.
'We, the People...' This ring's purpose is to unite websites that promote socio-economic justice against the powers that be
News and Current Events Ring
A ring for newshounds or site owners that are newshounds.
The Political Science and Politics Webring A ring for politics, political science, research in policy , or party affiliated sites
Politics Talk For political websites of all persuasions. Liberals, conservatives, anarchists, or monarchists - all sites are welcome
Religious Tolerance Webring - A webring dedicated to bringing about a greater understanding of the religions of the world and exposing the causes of discrimination and intolerance.
Government And Politics - This webring is for any site to do with Government And Politics
Hague Appeal for Peace - The Hague Appeal for Peace is dedicated to the delegitimization of war and the construction of a culture of peace. The Hague Appeal for Peace Civil Society Conference was held from May 11 to 15, 1999 in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Libertarian WebRing - Libertarian sites! Come visit, maybe even join us
America Needs a Democratic President! - This ring is for democrats or non-politically affiliated citizens who believe that America needs a democratic president.
World Web Sites That Care for People For all sites that show strict concern for the people, not motivated by money, but by love and genuine caring!

Art | Photography | | Travel | Politics & Social Sciences

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